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Prokuratura Okręgowa w Warszawie

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I Organisational Department has the following responsibilities: organisational and human resources issues, training of prosecutors and office personnel, conducting surveys, inspections and analyses of penal proceedings and non-penal activities of district prosecutor’s offices, as well as issues related to complaints and requests.

II Court Proceedings Department has the following responsibilities:

- Participation of prosecutors in regional court proceedings in penal appeal, criminal, civil, labour, social security, economic and petty offence cases,

- Supervision over the participation of prosecutors representing district prosecutor’s offices in court proceedings,

- Participation of prosecutors in administrative proceedings before administrative courts and in other proceedings,

- Participation of prosecutors in enforcement and pardon proceedings before court. 

III Budget and Administration Departmenthas the following responsibilities: matters related to the implementation of the budget of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw and its subordinate units.

IV IT and Analysis Department, has the following responsibilities: tasks related to information technology introduction and IT systems of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw and its subordinate units. 

V Investigation Department has the following responsibilities:

- Conducting investigations and supervision of investigations referred to other units in the case of grave criminal offences,

- Participation of prosecutors in court proceedings in such cases decided by courts of first instance and in preparatory court proceedings.

VI Economic Offences Department has the following responsibilities:

- Conducting investigations and supervision of investigations referred to other units in the case of grave offences against economic turnover, fiscal and other economic offences as well as the offences committed by public officials, with the exception of bribery offences and the offences listed in Chapter XXXIII of the Penal Code.

- Participation of prosecutors in court proceedings in such cases decided by courts of first instance and in preparatory court proceedings.


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